MIYABI’s mission is to create living spaces that support overall well-being, facilitate personal development and help optimize everyday activities.

Instead of blindly following trends we offer timeless solutions—harmony, after all, never goes out of style.

The Japanese expression ‘miyabi’ encompasses the aesthetic ideal of clarity, sophistication and elegance. It is the enjoyment of silence. It’s a glimpse of a tree branch, a scent, or a movement. It’s abstractly natural, it’s abstracted nature itself. It’s our sensitivity to beauty. The noble idea of miyabi stands for leaving behind everything that’s rough and common, while recognizing each tiny circumstance that replenishes our soul and brings us joy in life.

When designing interiors, we emphasize aligning individual needs to the spatial capacities dictated by the environment. Providing our clients with personalized solutions is a cornerstone of our work. We aim to bring out the inner character of each space while also bringing to the fore its inherent value and hidden beauty. First in Hungary, we decided to enrich our interior design services by applying some of the principles of the Japanese KonMari® Method. Becoming fully familiar with and learning to rely on this approach is the fundamental base of our MIYABI Living module.