I believe that carefully constructing the environment that surrounds us is one of the most important steps towards achieving a healthy mind and soul. I feel that the process of tidying starts with the human being at its center, as exterior and interior order are inseparably interlinked. The past few years have taught me that truly remarkable and permanent change only happens in my clients’ lives when we dare to dig deep enough to get to the bottom of their “mess”. And I don’t mean just the piles of things in their apartment… Outer and inner chaos can be eliminated only through applying a new mindset and working on personal development—both of which are organically linked to the Tidying Marathon.
I am a certified special needs therapist and teacher. After graduating, my desire to improve myself and my environment ended up saturating my entire life. To keep widening my professional horizon and my psychological knowledge, in the past 17 years I participated in countless hours of therapy and training, both individually and in groups. I’ve been exploring the fascinating worlds of psychodrama, somatodrama, family constellations and various art therapies. I acquired my second degree as interior stylist and designer at Werk Academy Budapest. I have also completed the official KonMari® (Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up) training course in Los Angeles, with which I became a certified professional KonMari® consultant—the only one in Hungary at the moment.
In my free time I continue to experiment with joyful self-development: playback improvisational theatre, yoga, sports and forest therapy, which are all important sources to replenish my creative energy.
Making use of my multifaceted experience, I am happy to support you as a KonMari® consultant and self-awareness coach on the road to breaking down environmental and psychological barriers to become the person you’ve always wanted to be.